Saturday, November 16, 2013


I've heard that every personal connection has meaning.

During our lifetime, we often encounter negative people.  There is probably a lot of ways to refer to these types, but I call them "energy vampires".  They suck all the positive energy out of you and around you.  You are left feeling drained and unable to think clearly.

Let me clarify my thoughts.  I'm not speaking of casual people you meet on the street or at a function and then never see again.  I'm referring to people who you spend a good amount of time with.  Maybe only once or twice a year, but during that time you are in the vampires' control, unless you find enough of your own energy to argue every point of conversation or try to defend your feelings or thoughts.  A good vampire uses up all your resources and reduces to you to complete silence, because you just. Can't. Find. One more ounce of energy to fight for your beliefs. 

The most frustrating thing about being caught with this vampire is that I don't think they know what they are doing to the people around them because they believe so strongly in what they are saying.  This negativity seems to come from a festered place deep in their soul that has been brewing for years and comes spilling out when they begin talking. 

You almost feel sorry for them.  But when you reach out, they push you away...perhaps not trusting your kindness.  I just don't know.

So after these encounters, I spend time and energy searching for the meaning in that personal contact I have just had with this person.  What I have come out of it with is this;
     Stop trying to help or change someone who you cannot change or help.
     Because I'm not an aggressive person, be myself and hope for the best.

     Save my energy for the positive things in life.

    "Let go of negative energy and embrace the positive"
                                                                        Judith Orloff, MD

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